Forty daily readings from inspirational Christians past and present on the theme of following Jesus. Reflections from St. Augustine to Martin Luther King; from Thomas a Kempis to Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Jesus calls us to a life of radical discipleship. He invites us to follow him and learn his ways. This book provides 40 days worth of daily readings from Christians -- past and present -- who have walked that path with Jesus. Here you will find insight from: - early Christian leaders e.g., Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine - mystics e.g. St. Theresa, St. John of the Cross, Thomas a Kempis - Monks e.g. St. Benedict, St. Francis - Reformation giants John Calvin - Puritans e.g. John Bunyan, - Evangelicals e.g. Wilberforce, Catherine Booth, Spurgeon - Novelists Dostoyevsky and poets Herbert - Liberation theologians e.g. Gutierez, - Modern spiritual guides and radicals Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Henry Nouwen, Brian McLaren