Everybody gives: yet giving can make or mar your life. The case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11 is a glaring example. Giving to God can be done rightly or wrongly. The case of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:3-12 is there for us to see. And God, like any being, reserves the right to accept or reject what is offered to Him. Considering these, one should therefore know how to give rightly in church and avoid erroneous giving that can lead to untold problems, as it did to Cain.
Jesus gave, taught giving, applauded right giving, was given to, and was a gift Himself. But is the Church today respecting Christ's teachings on financial issues? There is no problem in giving, but how you give matters. Have you ever been taught extensively on how to give? This book is here to help you.