"An evocative poet, so good at his best that no one interested in poetry today should be ignorant of his work." --Anne Stevenson, Contemporary Poets of the English Language "...I feel that Squires deserves consideration as one of the finest American poets writing today. ..one experiences a sense of excitement mixed with awe that one rarely gets with contemporary poetry." --Dana Gioia, Hudson Review "... A great and extraordinary strength of Radcliffe Squires' poetry is the force and cogency of its design, concretely realized, poem by poem..." -- Brewster Ghiselin, The Sewanee Review "... poems that are powerfully evocative ...a struggle for knowledge and insight in a world often mysteriously cruel... many of his best poems are unassumingly personal..." --David Mason, Oxford Companion to 20th Century Poetry "It is as though Mr. Squires had simply turned a corner in his mind and beheld an entirely new, more beautiful, and infinitely profounder field of interest..." -- James Dickey, The New York Times Book Review "...he brings us to....the hidden spring of life. Thus he confounds our thoughtlessly held distinctions between life and death, spirit and matter." -Emily Grosholz, New England Review "I venture the guess that many of these poems must endure as long as English poems are read... when the time has had a chance to sift the chaff from the cliques Radcliffe Squires will come to be recognized as one of the most valid singers of life now at work among us." --John Ciardi, The Western Humanities Review