Marie Broussard Nutter is a devout, blood-bought Christian for over some thirty plus years. She continues to strive for victory in all her lifelong battles with God's strength and help. She's been on the forefront of major spiritual warfare while participating in weekly street ministries recruiting new soldiers for Christ. She reached out to those in hospital wards, praying for those suffering illness, gunshot wounds and other trauma.
Ms. Nutter holds a Bachelors of Art degree in Print Journalism from Southern University at New Orleans. She is also a published Poet. Loving and living for Jesus is primary in Marie's life. While writing is a solitary activity; this is the Author's secondary love. She obediently started writing Battle Wisdom: Strategies when the Good Lord told her to several years ago. In the process of writing this book Marie has seen numerous spiritual attacks take place around her because the enemy didn't want this powerful book to come to pass.
Once when taking a break during a writing session, she glanced up from her laptop screen to seen an evil entity with very large eyes staring at her. She quickly sent this entity packing by the blood of Jesus. In another attack in the wee hours of the morning, Marie clearly heard the devil yell curse words at her in the spirit realm. Afterwards, she rebuked that devil and he also fled from her.
In the holy scriptures God has used widows to give His message to people of and in powerful positions throughout the ages. After nearly a decade of being married to her late husband Paul, the author finds herself in this same situation as being a widow herself. These words aren't new. They just need to come into focus more for the troops. The Lord showed me how the Geneva Convention was used during war. They attempted to bring a humane ethic to battles around the world. If they have to be fought, let's have a standard for everyone. Jesus then showed me His seven prime directives needed to take place amidst any conflict. Everything must be done in decency and in order. God is a perfect gentleman. There are no cheap uppercuts or illegal swipes at our opponents.
There is a serious need to consider enlistment into God's winning army. Those drafted by the devil suffer eminent death and hopelessly fight in a losing battle. Choosing a side is key. The author focuses on our one and only battle cry. This unique cry rallies us to one particular outcome an sets our sights on true deliverance through our Blessed savior Jesus! She reveals basic battleground tactics needed to successfully win any warfare. When battles don't seem to be progressing, you'll discover breakthrough armaments that help sway the battle in your favor.