The West is in decline. Must the love between this man and a woman also decline? Something happens, and he has visions. She continues to visit her old girlfriend. At a Halloween party, he snaps, and cheerfully reveals the secrets, or forecasts the cause of death, of anyone who asks. His visions proven, the government kidnaps him, to use his as an asset to restore the West. They spin him in a giant centrifuge, and record his dreams. But this dreams turn out to be ridiculous sit-coms. What's going on? The Army sends a psychologist to find out. One of the man's visions foretold something he wants to stop. Can he?
This is a novel in the tradition of Abram Tertz. The pace of change ever increases. People lost faith in institutions. The West wrings its hands & flinches. To write the truth in all its strangeness, Mosby Woods remembered Soviet dissidents whose literature of the fantastic portrayed the impossible.