Among the twenty-six authors of this poetry collection are both well-known and widely published poets, as well as those working mainly in prose and translations. Whether they live in Russia or abroad, they are united in their native language, commitment to shared humanistic values, understanding of responsibility, and the current need for every author, the same as every human being, to overcome muteness and openly speak on the today-happening horror. The extremely compressed time of catastrophe requires condensed, that is, poetic, texts. Since no one can comprehend these occurrences alone, here is a collective effort under this cover, these are the voices calling for each other in an attempt to find answers to the most tormenting questions of the present time. Thanks to eighteen translators, these voices can be heard around the world.
Authors: Anatoly Berger, Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Marina Boroditskaya, Alla Bossart, Tamara Bukovskaya, Dmitry Vedenyapin, Alina Vitukhnovskaya, Tatiana Voltskaya, Liliya Gazizova, Sergey Gandlevsky, Dmitry Grigoriev, Yuly Gugolev, Veronica Dolina, Victor Esipov, Vadim Zhuk, Igor Irtenyev, Natalia Klyuchareva, Larissa Miller, Lev Oborin, Boris Roginsky, Natalia Sivokhina, Alexander Skidan, Lyubov Summ, Alexander Frolov, Valery Shubinsky, Tatiana Shcherbina.
Translators: Maria Bloshteyn, Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Andrei Burago, Sasha Dugdale, Maria Gusev, Venya Gushchin, Anna Halberstadt, Anna Krushelnitskaya, Dmitri Manin, James McGavran, Max Nemtsov, Philip Nikolayev, Marina Peunova, Emma Popek, Polina Sparks, Olga Varshaver, Rowan Williams, Mark Wingrave.