The Teachings of The Order of Christian Mystics Set the Inner Spiritual Pattern for Life.
The Symbolic Life of Christ
Every seeker and initiate is destined to walk the same well trodden path of those that have come before. There is but one universal story of the initiate. The One Pattern Life we are all in the process of unfolding. Based on the Life of the Master Jesus.The most astonishing yet revealing interpretation of the Gospel story. Gives it a new spiritual yet logical and scientific appeal.The result of Dr. Curtiss' 20 years of painstaking and scholarly research in the fields of comparative religion, philosophy, psychology and symbolism.The results are astonishing if not sensational in the religious field. Not dry scholastic argument, but applied to the daily experiences of our lives.Gives the only satisfactory explanation of the many inaccuracies and flat contradictions in the Gospels. Accepts the historical facts recently discovered, but definitely refutes the materialistic conclusions of the "higher critics" and mythologists. A great reconciler of conflicting opinions and theories.