Dude, are you pumped to hack California-speak so you don't sound like a buster? This sweet guide will get you talking fresh, whether you're in the 626 or the Yay Area, whether you're below the line or in the pocket, or whether you're on fleek or on hiatus. Swoop this epic read, take the 5 to the 405 to the 73, and you'll be a legit Californian.
To translate, this vibrantly designed, modestly priced pocket guide to California slang will help residents and visitors alike feel at home wherever they go in the Golden State, from the beach to a food truck and from a Hollywood soundstage to a Silicon Valley cocktail party.
Helena Ventura is the pen name for a California writer of mystery and lore. Speaking for her will be the book's editor Colleen Dunn Bates, publisher of Prospect Park Books and a sixth-generation Californian.